Did you just give your life to Jesus?
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What is Salvation?
Salvation is the gift of God’s grace to us! Salvation means being saved from the consequences of our sins, giving us a new life with God. Romans 6:23 explains that while sin leads to death, God offers eternal life through Jesus. John 3:16 shows God’s love: He sent Jesus to die in our place so we could have life. Jesus’ death and resurrection make forgiveness possible, not through our own efforts but as a free gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). All we need to do is believe and accept this gift.
If you want to know what life with God is like, we’d love to help!
A New Beginning
Jesus wants a relationship with you!
No matter who you are or what you’ve done, Jesus wants a relationship with you. He created you with purpose and longs to share in your life, providing guidance, hope, and peace. To make this relationship possible, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by willingly giving His life on the cross. Through His death and resurrection, He overcame sin and death, offering you forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. This act demonstrated His boundless love and opened the way for you to be reconciled with God, so you can walk in a personal and transformative relationship with Him.